Healing with Cold Laser Therapy
Using the Theralase® line of therapeutic medical laser systems, we are able to help treat a wide variety of conditions.
Cold laser therapy targets specific areas of your body and accelerates your own natural healing process. Using specific wavelengths of light to penetrate the targeted area, this technique is safe and non-invasive.
Neuromuscular Skeletal conditions are common in all of us. We can all experience sprains, strains and pain that just won't go away resulting from repetitive strains in our work place or from trauma in our everyday lives. Pain and inflammation are things we've grown to accept as something we probably will just have to live with. Medical practitioners across North America have discovered a modern medical technology that heals injuries safely and effectively on a cellular level. This medical technology is the Theralase® line of therapeutic medical laser systems.
The Theralase® superpulsed laser system can penetrate up to 5 inches (12.7 cm) into tissue, to promote cellular regeneration at the source of injury. Laser energy helps to repair damaged cells by accelerating the body's natural healing mechanisms. Depending on the severity of the injury, you can return to an active lifestyle pain-free within a few weeks versus months or years of life altering pain.
Theralase® therapeutic laser treatments provide patients with a safe, effective and painless therapy that uses the body's own natural healing systems to relieve pain, increase joint mobility, increase tissue integrity and promote cell regeneration.
Theralase® lasers offer treatment for acute and chronic pain conditions*, addictions*, and cosmetic revitalization*. Our lasers help you regain the active and healthy lifestyle you yearn for by utilizing the power of light energy.
Over 4,000 clinical studies worldwide have proven the success of therapeutic lasers in the healing of neural muscular-skeletal conditions*. Theralase® has performed a blinded randomized control study on chronic knee pain proving the clinical efficacy of Theralase® therapeutic laser technology and achieving FDA 510(k) approval for chronic knee pain.
How does Theralase work?
Therapeutic medical lasers heal tissue ailments by injecting billions of photons of visible and /or invisible laser light deep into tissue structures. Tissue naturally contains protein strands called chromophores and cytochromes located in the mitochrondria of a cell, which have the unique ability to absorb laser light energy and transform it into chemical energy for the cell. This chemical energy is utilized by the tissue to significantly accelerate the healing process and reduce pain in the body naturally.
What Conditions can be treated by Theralase?
Theralase® therapeutic lasers have been cleared by Health Canada and the FDA to treat chronic knee pain. Over 4,000 clinical studies have been conducted worldwide validating the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on over 100 treatment conditions, including arthritis, wound healing, addiction rehabilitation, weight loss, anti-aging, headaches/migraines, and carpal tunnel, among many others. Ultimately, it is at the discretion of the practitioner to determine based on the best available clinical evidence which areas and conditions can be treated with low-level laser therapy systems.
Scientific Documentation of Laser Therapy?
There are thousands of published studies that describe the positive effects of laser therapy. These studies range from studies on individual cell types to in vivo double blind control studies. The areas of study range from wound healing to muscular skeletal conditions and have been conducted on different types of laser devices. Medicine is a very good medical database search engine that can provide abstracts and can sell literature. There are also many books on the subject. One very good text is "Low Level Laser Therapy - Clinical Practice and Scientific Background", written by Jan Turner & Lars Hode.
Are there Harmful Side Effects or Contraindications?
No, although one must never shine the laser directly into the eye. Otherwise, we recommend that laser devices not be used on the abdomen of a pregnant woman, in the presence of photosensitive compounds or directly on any cancerous tissue.